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SketchNC is a free tool for quick and easy conversion of a drawing to G-Code.  It features a full set of drawing tools so that you can also create from scratch.

This software is free.  Please feel free to provide feedback about any problems you find or suggestions for new features or improvements.



Click here to download SketchNC

Disclaimer: We accept no liability for damage caused by the use or misuse of SketchNC.  If you have any kind of problem with SketchNC, please report it by email or post a message on the NCPlot Forum.

The minimum system requirements for SketchNC are:

Pentium® 133 Mhz Processor or better

Windows® 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and Windows® 11 (32 and 64 bit OS supported)


800 x 600 screen resolution (1024 x 768 or higher is recommended)

256 Colors (24 or 32 bit color is recommended)





SketchNC features:
  • Supports reading native SketchNC files, DXF files and NC G-Code files.
  • Supports copy and pasting directly from StickFont.
  • Supports creating G-Code programs for 2D and 2.5D applications.
  • Easily create text for engraving.
  • Create pocketing tool paths.
  • Create V-Carve tool paths.
  • Create raster tool paths.

Viewport features:

  • Dynamic pan and zoom
  • Shows cutting direction of each entity.  Toggle between display of path start and direction points, all entity start and direction points, or point display off.
  • Grid snap can be toggled on or off.
  • Provides a variety of selection tools.

G-Code output features:

  • Instantly create G-Code from any selected geometry.
  • Machining parameters are attached to each drawing layer.
  • G-Code output can be configured in a variety of ways.



Drawing tools include:

  • draw points

  • draw lines

  • draw rectangles

  • draw arcs

  • draw circles

  • draw dimensions

Draw shapes such as:

  • polygons

  • straight slot

  • circular slot

  • ellipse

  • raster fill

  • pocket toolpath

  • text

  • v-carving

Translation tools include:

  • move

  • copy

  • offset

  • mirror

  • rotate

  • scale

Editing tools include:

  • move point

  • split geometry

  • trim entities

  • join entities

  • extend entity

  • adjust arc and circle radius

  • create fillets

  • create dogbone cutouts





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